Max Nordau - определение. Что такое Max Nordau
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Что (кто) такое Max Nordau - определение

Max S. Nordau; Max Simon Nordau; Max Sudfeld; Max S. Sudfeld; Max Simon Sudfeld; Simon Maximilian Südfeld; Südfeld Simon Miksa; Simcha Südfeld; Simcha Sudfeld; Simcha Suedfeld; Sudfeld Simon Miksa; Simon Maximilian Suedfeld; Simon Maximilian Sudfeld
  • Nordau stamp issued by [[Jewish National Fund]], 1916
  • Portrait of Nordau by [[Ephraim Moses Lilien]]
  • Tomb of Nordau, Tel Aviv
  • Portrait of Nordau in April 1895 edition of [[The Bookman (New York City)]]

  • Screenshot of an older Max/Msp interface.
  • Various synthesizers and instruments connected to Max.
Max/MSP; Max/Msp; MaxMSP; Max MSP; Max/msp; Patcher; Max MSP Jitter; Max Msp Jitter; Max for Live; Max/MSP/Jitter
·noun One who patches or botches.
Max Lüscher         
  • Max Lüscher (2005)
Max Luscher; Max Luescher
Max Lüscher (9 September 1923 – 2 February 2017Death Notice) was a Swiss psychotherapist known for inventing the Lüscher color test, a tool for measuring an individual's psychophysical state based on his or her color preferences. Besides research, teaching and practicing psychotherapy in Basel, Lüscher worked for international companies, amongst other things giving color advice.
Max Rüegg         
Max Ruegg; Max Rueegg
Max Rüegg is a Swiss bobsledder who competed in the early 1980s. He won four medals at the FIBT World Championships with a gold (Two-man: 1982, a silver (Two-man: 1983) and two bronzes (Four-man: 1981, 1982).


Max Nordau

Max Simon Nordau (born Simon Maximilian Südfeld; 29 July 1849 – 23 January 1923) was a Zionist leader, physician, author, and social critic.

He was a co-founder of the Zionist Organization together with Theodor Herzl, and president or vice-president of several Zionist congresses.

As a social critic, he wrote The Conventional Lies of Our Civilisation (1883), Degeneration (1892), and Paradoxes (1896). Although not his most popular or successful work whilst alive, Degeneration is the book most often remembered and cited today.

Примеры употребления для Max Nordau
1. In this connection, we will do well to recall what Max Nordau said: Modern states sometimes believe that a constitution belongs to the realm of good taste, just as every decent bourgeois home must have a piano, even if no one plays it.